
Community news from around the area

Wellness event set for Saturday

FOLLANSBEE — Mindset 2 Wellness Spa, located at 1400 Main St. in Follansbee, will hold a wellness event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Product demonstrations will be held, along with giveaways.

Guests will have a chance to see what the spa offers customers, including skin care assessments, ionic foot detox, chair massage and salt room sessions.

Consultations offered by the company include weight loss, hormone replacement and fitness assessments.

For information, visit mindset2wellness.com.

RICF grants available

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson-Belmont Regional Solid Waste Authority, also referred to as the JB Green Team, has announced grant funds have been made available through its 2025 Recycling Initiatives Competitive Funding project.

Members of the board of trustees say they are “pleased to be able to fund projects that benefit the environment of our communities,” as well as partner with local communities, nonprofits and school districts.

Eligible applicants include townships, villages, cities, schools and nonprofit agencies in Jefferson and Belmont counties. Applicants cannot possess a liquor license and must demonstrate a benefit to the citizens of those counties.

Officials stated the grants are designed to assist projects that further the joint county solid waste authority mission of reducing waste and increasing recycling.

Recipients of the grant dollars have included communities, schools and nonprofits, officials said, adding the money has helped to purchase recycling or trash receptacles, playground equipment, rubber mulch, park benches, picnic tables made from recycled materials, paper leaf collection bags, Green Team green books, composting equipment, classroom recycle bins and several additional items that aid in improving their communities.

There are two types of grants available, officials commented.

The Community Award requires no matching funds. The maximum amount that can be applied for is $1,000. Projects must contain a recycling component or theme.

The Comprehensive Grant projects must include a recycling or re-use initiative. Eligible applicants can apply for funding between $1,001 to $5,000. A 20 percent match is required, and can include in-kind services, such as labor, donated equipment, materials and activities directly-related to the project.

Eligible applicants can seek comprehensive RICF funds for implementing or expanding recycling programs, implementing or expanding re-use initiatives, implementing or expanding composting initiatives, implementing a recycling and waste reduction awareness campaign or purchasing items made from recycled materials. Printable application forms and rules are available on online at jbgreenteam.org/grants or by calling the (740) 266-6899.

Applicants must complete and submit their application by noon on April 1.

Legal clinic being offered

MARTINS FERRY — A Fresh Start Friday legal clinic to assist people with sealing or expunging their past criminal records will be offered through the Legal Aid of Southeast and Central Ohio.

Formerly known as Southeastern Ohio Legal Services, the agency will have lawyers on hand to help residents see if they are able to seal or expunge their records and assist them with the necessary paperwork involved.

Many Ohioans who have old criminal records and were previously ineligible for record sealing or expungement will be afforded a chance to see if they are now eligible, following the passage of a 2023 law.

The clinic will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 31 at Webster Hall in Grace Presbyterian Church, located at 408 Hanover St. in Martins Ferry. Walk-ins are welcome; however, pre-registration is encouraged.

Walk-in clients will be helped on a first-come, first-served basis. Officials say they cannot guarantee service to those who are not pre-registered. To sign up, call (614) 827-0524.

The free clinic is available to those who meet eligibility and income requirements. Records are not able to be sealed for anyone who is currently on probation, community control or who have an open case.

Operating a vehicle while intoxicated cases, along with traffic cases, are not eligible to be sealed or expunged, according to officials.

Fourth Degree Knights to hold meeting

MINGO JUNCTION — All Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree Knights of the Father Bigelow Assembly No. 803 will hold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 6 at Mingo Council 4361, located at 117 Legion Drive in Mingo Junction.

The meeting will be open to all Sir Knights and any Third Degree member from any councils, including Mingo Council No. 4361, Wintersvillle Council No. 472, Bishop Mussio Council No. 9804, Hopedale Council No. 4590, St. John Neumann Council No. 11828 and any additional council interested.

The meeting will pertain to anyone who wants to join the Fourth Degree Knights, as well as any member of the 4th Degree Knights who wants to take an office position.

“We need officers,” stated Sir Knight Shawn Zarych. “We need Sir Knights in order to keep the Father Biglow Assembly No. 803 going.”

Church Women United to meet

WEIRTON — The Weirton unit of Church Women United will hold its planning meeting at 11 a.m. Feb. 7 at the Dunbar Center.

The meeting is to make plans for the World Day of Prayer which takes place March 7.

Coffee and doughnuts will be served following the meeting.


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