
Sunrise seniors welcomes new year, new member

TORONTO — Estrella Hess was welcomed as a new member of the Toronto Sunrise Seniors club during the group’s Jan. 10 meeting at the Karaffa Recreation Center.

President Barbara Pritts called the meeting to order, while Mary Lou Emery gave the blessing prior to the covered-dish meal.

Following dinner, members thanked the kitchen committee consisting of Hank and Laura Sheets, Mary Jane Tottka and Patty Losey, by giving them a “hearty round of applause.”

Those in attendance collectively recited the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Secretary Karen Martin read the minutes from the November meeting, offering a summary of the club’s Christmas banquet. Co-treasurer Carol Rogers gave the financial report, which was filed for audit and Social Secretary Mary Ann Landerfield announced the names of those celebrating a January birthday. She then asked for names of individuals who are in need of receiving a card to be given to her. A moment of silence was held in memory of Jamie Licota, daughter of member Jackie Porter.

Pritts announced members to serve on the February kitchen committee include, Marsha McConnell, Mary Lou Deku, Bob Deku and Lynn Miller.

Plans were announced for two upcoming trips, including Lancaster, Pa., to see “Noah,” at the Sight and Sound Theater May 5-9; and the Ohio Star Theater in Amish country to see the Neil Diamond Show Aug. 22. Those interested in attending should contact Karen Krause at (740) 275-8807.

Members voted to send a financial donation to Crossroads North River Church to support the Pat Campbell cancer fund.

David DeVore was recognized as member of the month. When asked what he is most proud of, he responded his military service.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Bea Lytle and Mary Murphy.

Following announcements, brag time and the joke of the evening, Pritts adjourned the meeting. Members stayed to play bingo, with Sheets calling the numbers. Winners included DeVore, McConnell, Emery, Louie Nelson, Landerfield, Frank Marino, Hess, Murphy, Tottka, Marlene Garrett, Candi Murphy and Ethyl Stevens.

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday. Ohio residents 55 years of age or older are welcome.


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