
Community news from around the area

Class of ’58 to hold dinner

WEIRTON — The Weir High Class of ’58 will hold a dinner at Dee Jay’s restaurant in Weirton at 2 p.m. Feb. 20. Located on Three Springs Drive, all classmates are invited to attend.

For information, contact Regina Truax at (304) 723-0419 or Vincent Monseau at (304) 398-4179 or (304) 281-7294.

SHS Class of ’59 to meet

STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville High School Class of ’59 held its monthly luncheon Jan. 8. There were 17 members and guests in attendance. During the luncheon, Norina Eroshevich provided the blessing and the group extended its sympathies to Sharon Wilson on the loss of her husband.

Paul and Marlies Brandt provided the birthday cake that served as dessert for those celebrating a birthday during the month of January.

The next meeting of the Class of ’59 will take place at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 12 at Froehlich’s Classic Corner in Steubenville.

For reservations, contact Eroshevich at (740) 219-2234. All are welcome to attend, officials stated.

DeFelice Bros. to hold fundraiser

WINTERSVILLE — An upcoming fundraiser to assist one local boy and his family will take place from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday at DeFelice Bros. Pizza in Wintersville.

The Pies for Profits event will help benefit Neiko, a young boy who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. He sustained the injury after falling and bumping his head, according to his family.

Since the fall, he has undergone a craniotomy in order to remove the tumor and will undergo chemotherapy every week for the next year. Officials at DeFelice Bros. Pizza stated 50 percent of pizza sales will be donated to the family’s medical expenses. This excludes online orders and the purchase of gift cards.

Only in-store orders and those paid for with a gift card will go toward the fundraising total.

DeFelice Bros. Pizza is located at 497 Cadiz Road in Wintersville. For information, call (740) 264-9702.

Vitalant to host blood drives

WHEELING — The nonprofit group Vitalant is urging all eligible blood donors to attend any of the upcoming blood drives being held throughout February.

Officials announced there is an ongoing need for donations, as during the winter months, contributions are down due to winter weather cancelations and those effected by the cold and flu season. It is because of area blood donors that one family is celebrating giving that gift of life.

Vitalant officials exclaimed the impact a blood donation can make, noting the Broyles family celebrates blood donors every February.

Broyles recalled to officials the frightening moments during her youngest son’s birth 7 years ago. It was February and she was airlifted to a hospital in the middle of a blizzard. She woke up in the emergency room having learned she was bleeding from complications and in need of immediate surgery.

“She needed several blood transfusions to replace all the blood in her body,” officials stated. “She had exclaimed, ‘So many medical professionals told us they didn’t think I would make it. People need to donate blood. It’s that important.'”

Upcoming blood drives include: Wheeling Hospital, Conference Room B, 1 Medical Park, Wheeling, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday; St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Fellowship Hall, 300 Three Springs Drive, Weirton, noon to 6 p.m. Feb. 17; and the Lion’s Club, 1440 Main St., Follansbee, from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 26.

Blood donors of all types are needed — especially type O.

“Snowstorms and other winter weather conditions cause blood drive cancelations and disrupt the blood supply, making it even more important for donors in unaffected areas to give,” officials said.

In addition to helping save lives, Vitalant donors will receive a mini-physical at no charge, getting their pulse checked, blood pressure taken and cholesterol levels checked. With each donation, donors can help save lives and track their own wellness information through a secure and confidential online portal account.

February is Heart Health Month, and donors who give are opted-in to the Vitalant Donor Rewards program, receiving a $10 gift card of their choice.

For information, visit vitalant.org, download the Vitalant blood donor app or call (877) 258-4825.

Story hour set

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library will hold an evening story hour based on “Turkey’s Valentine Surprise,” at 5 p.m. Feb. 12. There will be a craft and snacks for participants.

To reserve a seat, call (304) 737-1551 or visit brookecountylibs.org/events.

Book club to meet

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library Book Club will meet in person and virtually at 5 p.m. Feb. 27 to discuss Michele Obama’s “The Light We Carry.” Participants also will receive the book they will be discussing next month.

For information, including a meeting ID for virtual participants, visit wvreads.overdrive.com or call (304) 737-1551.

Library to screen films

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library will screen the PG-rated animated film “Despicable Me 4,” at 5 p.m. Feb. 13, and the PG-rated musical “Wicked,” at noon on Feb. 14.

Popcorn and water will be provided.

The films are free to attend. Reservations can be made by calling (304) 737-1551 or visiting the library’s website brookecountylibs.org/events.


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