
Six arrested in Jefferson County prostitution sting

STEUBENVILLE — Two women and four men were arrested Tuesday and charged with soliciting prostitution during a sting operation conducted by the Jefferson County Drug Task Force.

Drug Task Force Office Jason Hanlin said a male and a female undercover officer from the Weirton police department were used in the police operation.

The two women arrested Tuesday were Nicole Boggs, 27, 106 Stowbridge St., Brilliant, and Angela Massey, 53, 2029 county Road 26, Steubenville.

The men arrested by the drug task force include:

• Thomas Taylor, 71, Miller Station Road, Hopedale.

• Mark Truex, 51, 419 Cherry Lane, Colliers.

• Steven Lee Wolvin, 51, Jeddi, Mich.

• Dale Kenefick, 56, 1218 Oak Grove Ave., Steubenville.

All six individuals were issued a summons to appear in Steubenville Municipal Court on Thursday.

Hanlin said the sting operation took place in the 500 block of North Street and the 200 block of South Fourth Street.

City Manager Jim Mavromatis announced the sting operation was organized “because of a request made a couple of months ago by 6th Ward Councilman Bob Villamagna and several local business owners.”

“It took some time to put this together. The two women were taken to the Jefferson County jail where they were booked and fingerprinted. We needed to hold them for a short period of time to prevent them from calling other people to warn them about the sting. The four men were issued citations to appear in court,” explained Mavromatis.

“This has taken some time but we are dealing with the problem and will continue to deal with it in the future,” said Mavromatis.

(Gossett can be contacted at dgossett@heraldstaronline.com.)


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