
Holiday Lanes to Stuff the Bus for Weirton Christian Center

HANCOCK SAVINGS CONTRIBUTION — To show its support for the Weirton Christian Center, Hancock County Savings Bank is contributing $1,000 toward its programs. The announcement was made Thursday, with bank Marketing Manager Marian Edgell, right, presenting the donation to Weirton Christian Center Executive Director Kim Weaver. Also, Thursday, it was announced Holiday Lanes will host a Stuff the Bus collection and bowl-a-thon to benefit the Christian Center on April 21. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — The Holiday Lanes youth bowling league, once again, will hold a bowl-a-thon and stuff-the-bus collection to benefit the Weirton Christian Center.

This year’s event is scheduled for April 21 at Holiday Lanes in Weirton.

Organized by the Holiday Lanes United States Bowling Congress Youth, this is the second year the annual bowl-a-thon will benefit the Christian Center.

“We’re doing a stuff-the-bus. We’re doing a bowl-a-thon,” Youth League Director Bob Babinchak said. “It’s open to the public.”

The stuff-the-bus will begin at 9 a.m. in the bowling alley’s parking lot, where area residents wishing to make a contribution can drop off non-perishable food items, paper products and other supplies.

The bowl-a-thon, which also includes a Chinese auction, will begin at noon. The bowl-a-thon is $15 per bowler to participate. For those who collect at least $50 in sponsorships, the entry fee is waived. Sponsorship forms and other information can be found online at www.holidaylanesweirton.com.

Last year’s fundraiser brought in a total of $13,000 in monetary donations and supplies, with $2,000 going to the youth bowling league, and the remainder to the Christian Center.

Donated supplies were able to fill up a Brooke County school bus twice.

Kim Weaver, executive director of the Christian Center, said while the food donations were depleted quickly, they only recently used up the other materials.

“It lasted us almost a year,” Weaver said.

Holiday Lanes owner Charlie Whiteman said he was amazed by the response from the community.

“Last year, people would drive by and see us, then go to the store and buy something to donate,” Whiteman said.

Whiteman said, beginning April 16, he will have collection boxes at Holiday Lanes for those who would like to donate items, but are unable to make it the day of the event.

“If they bring it down, we’ll take it,” Whiteman said.

Also Thursday, Hancock County Savings Bank announced it was donating $1,000 toward the Christian Center’s programs.

“The Christian Center is an important part of the community,” bank Marketing Manager Marian Edgell said.

Among the items being accepted for the stuff-the-bus are cleaning supplies, including wipes, toilet bowl cleaner, liquid dish soap, liquid hand soap, disinfectant spray, trash bags, light bulbs, cleaning rags, bleach, scrubbing pads, window cleaner, buckets, brooms, dust pans and hand sanitizer.

Paper products include three-section foam plates, paper/foam plates and bowls, spoons, forks, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, aluminum baking trays, foil, plastic wrap, wax paper, foam or paper cups, tissues, dish cloths, towels and pot holders and food gloves.

Items for the preschool include pre-k books, beginners Bibles, Bible-themed coloring books, thick crayons and pencils.

Afterschool items are individual bags of chips, applesauce/fruit/Jello cups, individual wrapped cookies or crackers, bottled water, fruit snacks, juice boxes, pudding cups, cereal bars, graham crackers, jelly, peanut butter and tortilla chips/salsa.

Office items include Scotch tape rolls, duct tape, packaging tape, staplers and staples, postage stamps, paper/binder clips, envelopes, color printer ink, black printer ink, Post-it notes, three-tab file folders and correction tape.

Camp items accepted include deoderant, bar soap and body wash, shampoo, wash cloths, bath towels, beach towels, sun screen, insect repellant, flashlights/batteries, flip flops, sleeping bags, twin sheet sets and Bibles.

(Howell can be contacted at chowell@weirtondailytimes.com, and followed via Twitter @CHowellWDT)


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