
Injured ArcelorMittal worker dies

WEIRTON — A worker at the ArcelorMittal tin-finishing plant in Weirton lost their life following an incident at the plant on Thursday.

According to initial reports, at 8:47 a.m. the Weirton Fire Department and other personnel were advised of a situation at the facility involving a person who had been trapped under a coil.

When firefighters arrived, the worker was no longer trapped and was transported to Weirton Medical Center.

ArcelorMittal officials later said that the employee had suffered injuries while operating a crane.

The injured worker was taken to the hospital where they died as a result of the injuries.

An investigation is expected which will include federal, state and union officials, and a company spokesperson said the company extends its sympathy to the family and friends of the worker and will make every effort to understand the cause and prevent recurrence.


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