
The Foundry is open for business

Northern Panhandle’s first medical cannabis dispensary

GRAND OPENING — The Foundry, a medical cannabis dispensary, officially opened its doors for business Friday morning. Located at 4075 Main St., in Weirton, its staff was welcomed by representatives of the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce and the city, as well as residents. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — The Foundry, a new medical cannabis dispensary, officially opened its doors Friday, welcoming visitors and registering patients.

Located at 4075 Main St., the Foundry is the first medical cannabis dispensary to open in the Northern Panhandle, according to the state Office of Medical Cannabis.

The Foundry, from its name to its interior decor, was built to include a reflection of the Weirton area’s industrial history.

“We wanted to pay homage to the community,” Seth Erlin, CEO and owner, said.

Tables in the main lobby resemble I-beams, while Erlin noted the business enlarged photographs from the archives of the Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center showcasing Weirton Steel and other aspects of local industry.

The business also relied on area contractors and other retailers for as much of the construction and design as possible.

“We wanted to make sure we bought local,” Erlin said, adding they are hoping to be an active part of the community.

According to the Foundry’s website, at foundrywv.com, the dispensary offers around eight varieties of product currently, as well as vaporizers and other accessories, such as grinders, trays and lock boxes. Informational displays are available so patients can learn more about each type of product before purchasing.

Erlin also noted some of the security measures and procedures during a tour of the business provided to visitors, including multiple cameras inside and outside of the building, secure doors and more.

The Foundry is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

West Virginia’s Medical Cannabis Act was signed into law by Gov. Jim Justice in April 2017, allowing for the certified medical use of cannabis by West Virginia residents with certain serious medical conditions. Products allowed include pills, oils, topical forms such as gels, creams or ointments, forms medically appropriate for administering by vaporization or nebulization, dry leaf or plant, tincture, liquid or dermal patch.

The Office of Medical Cannabis announced the state’s first approved dispensary permits in January 2021, with three permits originally awarded to businesses planning to locate in Weirton, and one permit for a dispensary in Wheeling.

Erlin said it is his understanding, the other two proposed Weirton businesses had opted to go elsewhere in the state.

To date, the Office of Medical Cannabis lists 15 medical cannabis dispensaries on its website as being operational and with product. In addition to the Foundry in Weirton, four dispensaries are in the Morgantown area, one near Williamstown, two in Parkersburg, one in Weston, one in Huntington, one in St. Albans, one in South Charleston, one near Beckley, one near Lewisburg and one in the Princeton area.


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