
Funds approved for Brooke PSD lift station project

SEWER PROJECT DISCUSSED — The Brooke County Commission has agreed to allocate money from federal pandemic relief funds for the replacement of pumps at six lift stations that are part of a wastewater treatment system serving the Mahan Lane-Eldersville Road area. -- Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — Equipment used to convey wastewater from the Mahan Lane-Eldersville Road area will be replaced through federal pandemic relief funds awarded to the Brooke County Commission.

Commissioners agreed Tuesday to allocate $391,518 to the Brooke County Public Service District to replace pumps in six lift stations serving that area.

Terry Bonaventura, chairman of the Brooke County Public Service District, told the commission that each station was equipped with two pumps, including one backup, but each is operating on the backup because the district lacked the funds to replace them.

County Commissioner Stacey Wise said the money will come from funds remaining from those previously allotted for the extension of sewer lines to unserved areas of St. John’s Road because the bid for that project came in below its estimate.

Earlier this year, the commission approved $1 million from federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for the project, which also is being supported by a $4.4 million 30-year loan and a $500,000 grant, both from the state Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council.

Expected to serve about 178 customers in the St. John’s Road area, it’s a continuation of an earlier project through which sewer lines were extended to more than 600 homes and businesses on Eldersville Road, Mahan Lane and the Cross Creek area, including Brooke High School, and adjacent areas.

Bonaventura said D&M Contracting of New Alexandria, Pa., contractor for the project, has ordered materials and is expected to begin work in October or November.

The project is among several projects pursued by the Brooke County, Hammond and Washington Pike public service districts to be funded from $1.1 million in ARPA funds awarded to the county.

The three public service districts serve unincorporated areas of the county.

The commissioners said they intend for another $100,000 in ARPA funds issued to the county to be used also for water and sewer projects but haven’t allocated it yet.

In other business, the commission:

• Authorized County Clerk Kimberly Barbetta to advertise proposed changes to two voting precincts and one polling location in Weirton to allow the city to hold its next municipal election in conjunction with 2024’s state election.

County Chief Election Clerk Sara DeLong said the precincts will be altered so that all voters within them are in or outside the city so they may use the same ballots.

• Approved $3,500 for the fabrication of railing for the judicial annex by Mazzella Welding and Fabrication of Wellsburg.

• Approved yearly maintenance contracts with Casto Technical Services of Charleston for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems at the county courthouse, in the amount of $3,635, and the county’s animal shelter for $7,068.


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