
New Cumberland welcomes fall season with River Fest

VENDORS GALORE – Organizers reported more than 60 vendors were set to take part in the New Cumberland River Fest over the weekend, offering a variety of wares to those attending. -- Craig Howell

NEW CUMBERLAND — Despite the rainy weather over the weekend, area residents celebrated the beginning of autumn with the New Cumberland Fall River Fest.

“There are over 60 vendors here this year,” announced Mayor Will White in welcoming those gathered for the festival.

Booths lined River Avenue, with local crafters selling their wares, and area organizations offering a variety of foods and information on their services.

The New Cumberland Lions Club was on hand to sell pulled pork sandwiches, with Hancock County Savings Bank handing out T-shirts and fans, local Scouts sold baked goods, and students with the John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center’s School of Practical Nursing offering some basic medical tests.

Festivities kicked off at 9 a.m. with the annual 5-K race, beginning at the Hines Park Gazebo, the proceeds from which will benefit the Oak Glen High Athletics Department.

CLASSICS – Dozens of classic and custom vehicles were lined up on the Firemen’s Field Saturday as part of the New Cumberland Fall River Fest. -- Craig Howell

White offered his welcome address at the Arthur (Jack) Watson Overlook Pavilion, accompanied by a color guard from Boy Scout Troop 38 and the Oak Glen High School Band, which performed several musical selections.

Members of the Oak Glen Theater Group also were on hand, dressed as characters from the Disney and Pixar movie “Inside Out,” offering to take pictures with local youth.

“Let’s all have fun,” White encouraged.

The River Fest Art Show was available for viewing, with artistic works of area residents on display, and, set up in the Firemen’s Field was the annual River Fest Car Show, organized by Jim Ewing, featuring dozens of classic and custom vehicles.

Musical entertainment was provided throughout Saturday afternoon by Jim Hallisey, Poor Man’s Heaven, The Fantasy’s, and Full Circle.

MUSICAL AFTERNOON – Jim Hallisey was among the musical artists scheduled to perform as part of the River Fest. -- Craig Howell

Sunday’s scheduled activities included a community church service, with the Little Miss New Cumberland Pageant and a performance by the West Liberty University Steel Drum Band and Dance Team to wrap up the festivities.


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