
Salvation Army seeks help in helping others this Christmas

BELLS ARE RINGING — Toni Brown of Mingo Junction, a bell ringer for the Weirton Salvation Army for 15 years, tended to a kettle outside the Weirton Wal-Mart on Friday. -- Warren Scott

Local Salvation Army leaders hope area residents completing their Christmas shopping this week will take time to reflect on the blessings in their lives and remember neighbors who aren’t as fortunate.

Maj. Eric Roberts, who heads the Hancock-Brooke Salvation with his wife and fellow officer, Tonya, said it’s not too late for individuals to donate toys for local children in need.

Roberts said paper angel ornaments expressing the children’s Christmas wishes have been removed from trees in establishments where they were displayed.

But he said it’s not unusual for people who claimed them to forget, and any donations of toys by Thursday afternoon would be welcome.

Old favorites like sports equipment, dolls and building blocks still are appreciated by many boys and girls, he noted.

The Steubenville Salvation Army has wrapped up its toy collection for this year.

But leaders of both locations welcome volunteers to serve as bell ringers and monetary donations that help them to provide help with utility bills, food and other assistance to local residents in need throughout the year.

“It all stays local,” said Maj. Joe Irvine, who heads the Steubenville Salvation Army with his wife and fellow officer, Lisa.

The Salvation Army officers have faced various challenges this holiday season.

The leaders and staff of the Steubenville Salvation Army have been preparing to move from their present location on North Fourth Street to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers building at Suite 204, 626 N. Fourth St.

The new location is set to open in early January.

And because of the smaller number of days between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas this year, the Salvation Army’s familiar red kettles have been placed outside area stores since mid-November.

They will remain there, except for Sundays, until Christmas Eve to maximize the opportunity to receive monetary donations in the holiday season known for its giving spirit.

Despite such challenges, the Brooke-Hancock Salvation Army expects to provide Christmas assistance to 120 households with about 300 children, while the Steubenville Salvation Army recently distributed gifts for 176 children in about 75 families.

Roberts noted the kettle campaign is the only fundraiser actively held by the Salvation Army through the year.

He noted at many kettle sites, there is a QR code that enables individuals to make a donation using their smartphones, with the donation going to the Salvation Army operation nearest that location.

Irvine said volunteers also are needed to staff the kettles and the Salvation Army has gone digital in recruiting them.

Whether they wish to staff a kettle in Jefferson, Brooke or Hancock counties, individuals can visit www.registertoring.com, where they will find dates, times and locations for which volunteers are needed.

Those interested in working a kettle in the Steubenville area also can call (740) 282-5121, while prospective volunteers for Brooke and Hancock counties can call (304) 748-4310.

Kettle sites have been established at the Steubenville and Weirton Wal-Marts; Steubenville, Wintersville, Weirton and Wellsburg Kroger stores; and the Follansbee Riesbeck’s store.

And, despite the trend toward modern technology, the two local Salvation Army operations and others continue to accept donations in the form of checks.

Those interested in mailing a check to the Steubenville Salvation Army especially are encouraged to send it to P.O. Box 1226, Steubenville, OH 43952.

Checks for the Hancock-Brooke Salvation Army can be mailed to P.O. Box 2499, Weirton, WV 26062.

Roberts and Irvine expressed appreciation to civic, church and school groups and others who have supported the Salvation Army in recent weeks and to all who will take the time to lend their time or resources in the week ahead.


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