Harris kicks off administration with key appointments

STAYING ON – As part of a special organizational meeting held Monday evening, Weirton Mayor Dean Harris appointed, and received approval for his four administrative appointments, from left, Police Chief W. Charles Kush; City Attorney Vincent S. Gurrera; City Judge Dean Makricostas; and City Manager Michael Adams. -- Craig Howell
WEIRTON — While Weirton Council experiences numerous changes with the beginning of the new year, the city administration will have some consistency.
Council convened into a special session Monday evening to organize under the terms of the city charter, with Mayor Dean Harris appointing, and receiving approval, for four key positions.
“By charter, we’re required to meet the first Monday after the term begins,” explained Mayor Dean Harris, noting no other action would be taken beyond the appointments of city manager, police chief, city judge, and city attorney.
The requirement for the meeting falls under the duties of the mayor, as described in Article IV, Section 1 of the Weirton City Charter, reading in part, “He shall immediately, upon assuming office, at the first meeting of Council, or as soon thereafter as possible, appoint all officers with the consent and approval of the Council.”
Following a four-minute executive session, to discuss the appointments of the four administrative posts, Harris nominated Michael Adams to the post of city manager; Vincent S. Gurrera as city attorney; Dean Makricostas as city judge; and W. Charles Kush as chief of police.
All four held the same positions with the previous city administration, with each appointment receiving unanimous votes of approval from city council.
“I’m looking forward to the next four years working with this council and administration,” Harris said. “I’m anxious to get started.”
A life-long resident of Weirton and retired first sergeant with the West Virginia State Police, Kush has been chief of police since December 2020. He originally was appointed to the post by former mayor Harold “Bubba” Miller.
Adams first was sworn in as city manager, also by Miller, in October 2021. He previously has served as a member of Weirton Council, the city judge, and a member of the Weirton Board of Parks and Recreation, as well as working as an assistant prosecutor in Hancock County, and city attorney for Chester.
This will be the third mayoral administration for Gurrera to serve as city attorney, stepping into the post under former mayor George Kondik. He also previously served as city judge and as an assistant prosecutor in Hancock County.
Makricostas has been Weirton’s city judge since 2015, having also held similar positions for other area communities over the years, along with time as Wellsburg’s city prosecutor.
Weirton Council will hold its first regular meeting of the year at 7 p.m., Monday.