Enjoy the great outdoors in 2023
Did you resolve to get more active and healthy in 2023? One way to make that happen — and to enjoy our region’s natural beauty – is to get out and take a hike. That has become a tradition for many to help welcome the new year while also setting new, healthy habits.
The idea of “first-day hikes” — spending New Year’s Day in the woods — began more than three decades ago in Massachusetts and his since spread around the country. State parks in West Virginia and Ohio have been working to get more people out on New Year’s Day as a way to create a healthy habit and a healthier lifestyle while also promoting state parks.
Getting out and enjoying nature helps you relax while getting you active. Leave the cell phone and the stress it can bring behind. There’s something special about simply enjoying nature — listening to its sounds and rhythms, leaving the worries of the day behind as you discover what’s around the next bend.
What’s even better is that there are many hiking options within easy reach of our region. If you prefer West Virginia’s rugged outdoors, a day-trip to Coopers Rock State Forest, Cathedral State Park, Canaan Valley, Dolly Sods or Seneca Rocks could be in order. In Ohio, Hocking Hills State Park and its fascinating rock formations is just two hours away.
Closer to home, you can hit the trails at Oglebay Park, or Tomlinson Run State Park in Hancock County. Grand Vue Park in Marshall County has plenty of trails, as does Barkcamp State Park in Belmont County. The options are endless.
The key is simple: get started. Take that first step toward a healthier 2023 today. It can be in the woods, on a paved trail, or just around your neighborhood. Get started.