Take it one step at a time, commit to quit
This Thursday is a good day to clear the air, so to speak.
It’s the annual Great American Smokeout — marked on the third Thursday in November — when smokers, hopefully, will make the commitment to stop smoking for the day.
The goal is to convince smokers that if they can quit for 24 hours, they can quit for good. You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with Day 1, literature from the American Cancer Society reminds. It’s a great first step to stopping an extremely bad habit that could lead to dire consequences.
Like with most efforts, there is good news and bad news to report. According to the American Cancer Society, the rate of cigarette smoking in the United States has declined from 42 percent in 1965 to around 11 percent today. The bad news is that 28.3 million American adults still smoke cigarettes, and smoking remains the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in the world.
Here are some statistics, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the cancer society, that just may persuade some smokers to kick the habit for good:
• 480,000 — The number of deaths in America caused by cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke yearly. That’s 278,544 men and 201,773 women.
• 12 — The number of cancers smoking cigarettes will increase the risk of contacting.
• 3 of 10 — The number of cancer deaths caused by smoking cigarettes.
• 87 percent — The percentage of lung cancer deaths in the U.S. caused by smoking.
• The life expectancy of smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.
• As recently as 2022 in our region, the American Lung Association reports, 21 percent of adult West Virginians reported smoking cigarettes — the highest in the nation — and 27 percent of high school youth reported that they used a tobacco product. In Ohio, 17.1 percent of adults smoked cigarettes and 20.4 percent of high school youth reported that they used a tobacco product. And, in Pennsylvania, 14.9 percent of adults smoked cigarettes and 19.7 percent of high school youth reported that they used a tobacco product.
When it comes to e-cigarettes, 9.3 percent of West Virginians, 8.7 percent of Ohioans and 7.4 percent of Pennsylvanians report their use.
And, if you are a smoker and think that the only person you are harming is yourself, consider these numbers from the CDC: Second-hand smoke causes 41,000 deaths each year –that’s 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer and 33,951 deaths from heart disease.,
We offer these statistics with the hope that many smokers take that first step to stop and put down those cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars and pipes, or don’t put a pinch between your cheek and gums.
Considering the alternatives — lung cancer, lip cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat and digestive tract — it’s not so hard to consider quitting, right?
Some of the benefits of ending smoking include an increase in lung function within three months; a reduction in coughing and shortness of breath and a gain in the body’s natural defenses against lung infections within nine months; and in a year, the risk of coronary heart disease is dropped to half that of a smoker.
According to the CDC, quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90 percent.
If the health statistics aren’t enough, calculate the cost of your particular form of tobacco in your weekly, monthly and annual budget, please. We are completely sure a savings will be found.
The Great American Smokeout isn’t just about struggling through a single-day commitment to go tobacco free. It’s about learning and about finding and using tools to reduce and eventually end personal tobacco use. If cold turkey quitting is too much, consider the availability of counseling, nicotine replacement products, group support, telephone hotline support, guidebooks and encouragement, including nagging, from friends and family.
Make the commitment and try to stay away from tobacco for just one day. It’s the first step to a healthier lifestyle.
When you’re breathing better, when your heart is functioning better, you can be more active, and that means better health overall.
Commit to quit, and take it one step at a time.