
Helping businesses start 2025 strong

If it took you several days to dig out, clear your driveway and sidewalk, maybe even wait for the roads closer to your home to be safe enough to drive on, you’re not alone. This past week’s winter storm was likely an inconvenience for you and your employer, with various levels of emergency being declared to keep as many people off the roads as possible.

Now, stop and think for a minute about what the loss of those precious days has meant to many of our small, locally owned businesses — particularly retailers and restaurants.

If you thought you were done worrying about whether to shop small and local after Small Business Saturday and the holiday shopping season, think again.

In an attempt to keep themselves, their employees and their customers safe, plenty of small business owners have lost two or three days’ worth of revenue. That’s a big deal, and a hard hit to take. Don’t forget, this is the first quarter of a new year — things are just getting rolling on the books for 2025 at many businesses.

We can help. Once it is safe to do so, visit your favorite local shops. Consider whether something you normally buy at a larger, chain retailer could be purchased at a locally owned establishment, instead. Dine at a locally owned restaurant — you’ve been cooped up and cooking for yourself for a few days now anyway, right?

It’s a small thing, but making these choices could make a big difference for businesses that are an important part of what makes our communities so special. Help them, if you can.


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