
Use common sense dealing with the cold

The Tri-State Area has just experienced some of the most frigid weather it has seen in about a decade, and while the worst of this arctic blast appears to be behind us and temperatures are expected to moderate during the next several days, the reality is we are in the middle of winter and it will continue to be cold.

Doctors say keeping warm in bitter cold temperatures involves common sense.

Without proper clothing and protection, a person faces mild frostbite in as little as 15 minutes.

Protecting extremities is important in the bitter cold. Warming packs can be placed inside gloves and boots if a person is expecting to be outside for an extended period of time. But make sure the warming packs aren’t placed directly against the skin.

Layering clothes is important. Thermal layers should be worn close to the skin because it keeps the body’s warmth inside. Outer layers, made from heavy wool or waterproof material, should be worn to keep the cold and moisture out. Hydration in cold temperatures is important, but doctors cautioned against consuming alcoholic beverages. Alcohol could cause a person to fall, resulting in being stuck outside in the freezing temperatures.

People who work outside on a regular basis know how to dress for the weather and have appropriate clothing to protect them.

Persons who have been outside for an extended period of time without appropriate clothing could face hypothermia. Persons with hypothermia may exhibit an altered mental state and should immediately be taken to an emergency room. People who have been outside in the cold and then continue to have chills and shakes also should be evaluated by a doctor.

If a person has been exposed to cold temperatures for a lengthy period, they should be warmed immediately. Blankets and electric blankets should be used.

Doctors also advise parents to tell children to come inside if they get wet or if they’re cold. Parents also need to keep an eye on children outdoors because the kids will want to continue playing outside even if they are wet or cold.

Drivers need to have emergency clothing and blankets in the trunk in case the vehicle breaks down. Even with cell phones, help may not quickly arrive.

And, don’t forget your pets — they get cold, too, and should be sheltered from the weather.

Use common sense during the remainder of the winter.


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