

Looking toward the valley’s progress

As you look through the pages of the first installment of our annual Progress Edition that is inside today’s paper, you will find a real sense of optimism — a great deal of which is being driven by the men and women who have important roles in the region’s economic growth. “We need to ...

Pinewood Derby teaches vital skills to our youth

The Pinewood Derby is a piece of Americana that hearkens back to a treasured time when fathers taught sons about working with their hands and with tools to create something of value. That piece of Americana nowadays involves moms and sons and daughters, brothers and sisters or uncles and ...

Coal numbers can be eye opening

Most West Virginians likely believe they have a general understanding of the significance of our coal industry in keeping the lights on for the rest of the country, and the size of its role in ensuring domestic energy security. But sometimes hard numbers make us take a step back from what we ...

Don’t leave your money behind

Arriving in the mail for many of us starting this past weekend was a piece of information that would be profitable not to misplace: the MV-1 form from the West Virginia State Tax Division, which indicates how much of a personal property tax credit you’re eligible for on your 2024 taxes. If ...

Smoking costs money and lives

As January tests New Year’s resolutions across the region, many may be weakening in their resolve. Certainly, that must include some who vowed this is the year to give up smoking. To add a little incentive to the effort, WalletHub took a look at the true cost of tobacco use. The dollar ...

One size doesn’t fit all in education

State Sen. Charles Clements, R-Wetzel, is injecting a voice of reason into conversations about what the West Virginia Legislature’s approach to education might be this year. Speaking ahead of the legislative session that is set to begin Feb. 12, Clements talked about the state’s approach to ...