
Let’s get our border back

To the Editor,

Maybe, with Donald Trump re-elected — if, that is, we make it to Jan. 20 without Biden blundering us into World War III, solely to make things difficult for Trump–we can have a border, again.

Clearly, America wearies of importing millions of murderers, petty criminals and freeloaders whom we openly accommodate, and who prey upon our citizens and amenities, straining our social systems and law enforcement.

Funny how it wasn’t an issue, though, until the red areas stopped tolerating and absorbing them, and started shipping them en masse to blue areas. Then it was a problem. The red areas, naturally, were being “racist.” Let’s not forget that.

The blue areas, however, in their blatantly hypocritical whining about it, somehow, were not.

Europe is experiencing the same type of cultural sabotage, their governments also undermining and diminishing their own citizens’ security, standards of living and lifestyles, by importing chaotic unrest from places like Africa, India, and Islamic countries. According to a London Times article, the commissioner of police in Berlin recommends women, gays and Jews simply stay out of certain areas of Berlin, or at least, disguise themselves, if they must.

Tolerance is paramount, you see, and if anyone complains about the aberrant, deviant behavior of these poor, downtrodden savages and “refugees” (read illegal immigrants), they’re committing the intolerable sin of intolerance.

Again, we’re seeing the same situation, here. I call it the “Third-Worlding of the West”.

It’s amusing how Republicans can hear their politicians say something really dumb and disagree with them, while Democrats can hear theirs spout the most idiotic, dangerous, illogical, inadvisable, unrealistic, ridiculous ideas and just nod, happily going along, zombie-like.

For example:

Democrats: Abortion is OK, because it’s “just a clump of cells, not a person.” However, it’s illegal to destroy bald eagle eggs, because those eggs hatch, and become eagles.

Democrat voters: “OK.”

Democrats: We need to let people steal stuff they can’t afford, but only up to $950.

Democrat voters: “Sure.”

Democrats: We should allow illegal immigration, because “There’s no such thing as an illegal human being.” — Sen. John Edwards

Democrat voters: “Fine.”

Democrats: “Men can have vaginas; women can have penises.”

Democrat voters: “Agreed.”

I recently made an observation I feel is quite prescient: “Children,” said I, “…are much like Democrats. They’re loud, disruptive, and they do lots of stuff that makes absolutely no sense.” They’re also emotionally immature, undisciplined, and have no sense of objective reality. That’s why they’re always blindsided and caught off-guard by unintended consequences of their policies.

There is no idea so stupid or illogical that Democrats won’t support it, as long as it makes them feel good.

Democrats have been foolish agents of chaos ever since they discovered Marxism in the 1930s. Before that, however, they supported racism and slavery, so they weren’t any better.

One thing I’m really thankful for this season, is how the newspaper usually runs my wild-eyed, right-wing reactionary rants. Thank you. The outlet is much appreciated.

Happy holidays, to all.

Rob Denham



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