
Is responsibility too much to ask?

To the Editor,

As we know, things like traditional morality, simple common sense and personal responsibility are absolutely loathsome things to leftists, who view them as oppression.

In the recent election, as in all elections since 1973, the entire rabid political left made abortion a major point.

This is because in 2022, to their towering outrage and depthless resentment, Trump’s Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade’s federal ruling, kicking the issue back to the states to decide — to the states, where it has rightly belonged, forever.

Thirteen states, including West Virginia, have banned abortion. In eight states, it’s legal within gestational limits of six to 18 weeks. In all other states, including Ohio and Pennsylvania, it is legal.

The left is of course despondent over this.

See, they’re not happy, unless a woman has the right to completely avoid the consequences of personal irresponsibility. Every woman should have the right to be as reckless as they like with their sexy lady parts, and not have to suffer inconvenient outcomes.

Truly, however, all it would take is a little personal responsibility and common sense, to make this a moot discussion.

Take a moment — consider the very likely possible results of this brief moment of passion. Don’t just fall into bed and rut like deer.

This isn’t the Stone Age; we know nowadays how babies happen, and there exist quite a few methods of birth control for men and women. In fact, according to a Planned Parenthood article, there are at least 12 commonly available.

Y’know; Planned Parenthood. The Vatican of the Church of Liberalism.

Here’s what people often forget: Abortion was never really illegal. That’s something leftists say, to muddy the waters; to make it an emotional issue.

It was always on the table as a medical procedure. It was just that it wasn’t considered a legal right. It was very regulated, and any doctor who performed one had to be very careful to have all his ducks in a row, being able to prove it was necessary, to save the life of the mother.

Also, respectable doctors correctly found it to be an abhorrent practice, and didn’t want to perform them unnecessarily. That’s why abortionists were relegated to the back alleys. In 1973, Roe v. Wade changed all that. Roe v. Wade removed the regulatory barriers, and over time, the stigma.

And here we are.

There have been nearly 66 million abortions since 1973.

Since rape, molestation and incest, along with genuine women’s health issues, combined, comprise something around 5 percent of the total, the overwhelmingly vast majority of abortions are, let’s say, whoopsies pregnancies.

Now, having said all this, most conservatives I know, and I know quite a few, are conditional on abortion. There should of course be provisions for things like proven rape, molestation, and incest. Generally, there are.

Have as much consensual sex as you want; just be responsible adults. Think. Is that really so much to ask? Apparently.

But hey, look who I’m talking about …

“Liberalism is eternal adolescence.”–Rush Limbaugh

Rob Denham



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