
Outgoing councilman gives thanks to constituents

To the Editor,

As I prepare to step down from my position as your representative on the Weirton City Council, I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of serving you.

Representing the 6th ward has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and I am deeply thankful for the trust you placed in me. During my time on the council, I have worked diligently to address the needs and concerns of our community. Together, we have made strides in improving infrastructure, enhancing safety, and supporting the growth of our local businesses. These accomplishments would not have been possible without your support, input and collaboration.

Leaving this position is bittersweet. While I’m excited for what lies ahead, I will miss the daily interactions with so many of you and the shared commitment we have to making the 6th ward and all of Weirton a better place to live. I am confident that the future of our ward is bright, thanks to the dedication and resilience of its residents.

As I transition out of this role, I encourage you to continue to voice your ideas, and work together to build on the progress we’ve made. The strength of our community lies in the active participation and care of its people.

Thank you once again for allowing me the honor of serving as your council representative. It has truly been a privilege, and I will forever cherish the experiences and connections I have gained during this journey.

With deepest gratitude.

Enzo Fracasso

Outgoing city councilman, 6th Ward



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