
Was it aliens this time, too?

To the Editor,

Who is to blame for the current Weirton water crisis?

Is it the city or the residents? Neither. I believe it was an ALIEN!

Looking back at the last city-wide water crisis which happened on June 10, 2011.

It was an ALIEN to blame.

For June 10, 2011, was the release date of a movie called “Super 8”. It was filmed in Weirton.

In the final scene the ALIEN launches a spaceship off the city water tower. As the spaceship rises, the water tower explodes leaving the city without water.

I believe it is the curse of the ALIEN for this water outage.

Looking back at 2011, the city provided only water buffalo tanks, but we had to provide our containers.

This time, the city is providing drinkable bottled water daily. The city is offering many sources for showers and potable water now.

We are learning and coping through another water crisis.

We will survive. We will have water again!

Yvonne Tuchalski

Weirton resident without water


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