
From the pulpit/One thing

Fifteen years ago, I was honored to take a young man from my church to a steak dinner for his 12th birthday. Because his wonderful, and very godly father had passed away when he was just a few years old; I was blessed to be very involved in his life. Along with the usual joy and fun of a birthday celebration, I wanted the evening to be remembered as his entering into manhood.

After a huge steak with all the trimmings, followed by a delicious dessert I was ready to share one very important word with him about serving Jesus Christ. I placed the gift I had bought for him in the middle of the table — and then also placed a small, single piece of paper directly in front of him. Then I shared the following: “On the other side of that piece of paper I have written just one word. That one word tells you everything you need to know about what your Lord wants from you. Life will bring many challenges and tests; but if you can give Jesus Christ what I have written on that piece of paper you will be an overcomer and a true servant of your savior.”

I reached across the table placing my hand on his, and looking him right in the eye I said: “Now pick it up, turn it over, and read that one word out loud.” As I lifted my hand from his, he slowly picked up the piece of paper, turned it over and read the one word I had written — that word was very simply the word “All.” I looked him in the eye and said: “All God wants from you is all!” There were tears at that table that night — and more importantly that young man gave his “all” to Jesus Christ.

Not long after that very special, and Christ-exalting evening I wrote the following poem for the youth group in our church. It is based on the Apostle Paul’s words in Philippians 3:7-14. In that well known, and often quoted passage, Paul is basically saying that to be a true disciple of the Lord “All God Wants is All.”

One Thing – By Pastor

Gary C. Lilly

One thing will I seek after, One thing with all my soul. One thing of exceeding value, One thing to make me whole.

One thing will I pray for daily, One thing beyond compare. One thing to make me holy, One thing so pure, so rare.

One thing will I trust God for, One thing on bended knee. One thing of eternal worth, One thing from Calvary’s Tree.

One thing too grand to measure, One thing from Heaven’s door. One thing and one thing only, ONE THING, no need for more!

That I might know the Lord of Glory! That I might worship at His feet! That I might know in greater measure! That I might in Him be made complete!

That I might lay hold of Jesus! That He might lay hold of me! That I might live in resurrection power! That I might be absolutely free!

YES – ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY –May this one thing ever be, That I might serve Him fully — That He would have ALL of me!


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