
Businesses are sought to partner for a unified sports basketball event

STEUBENVILLE — Officials with the Jefferson County Board of Developmental Disabilities are looking for local businesses to team up with its athletes for a series of Unified Sports basketball games this spring.

Steve Forte, activities director for JCBDD and coordinator for the Special Olympics, is looking for local businesses to help out with inclusive games during National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month this March. Throughout the month, there will be four games held at the Dr. Martin Luther King Recreational Center in Steubenville. The games will feature teams made up of business employees and athletes from the Jefferson County All-Stars, playing together in a fun and supportive environment. Their participation is a great way to spread awareness and promote inclusivity.

“The JCBDD and Unified Sports of Ohio will be hosting four official unified basketball games featuring local businesses, complete with referees,” Forte said. “Members of the Jefferson County All-Stars will team up with employees from these businesses to form two competing teams. I believe this is a fantastic opportunity for businesses to engage their managers and district leaders, allowing employees to see them in a more enjoyable and relaxed setting.”

National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month is a nationwide event to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and address the barriers they may face. Additionally, Unified Sports is a Special Olympics program that allows people with and without intellectual disabilities to play sports together. Forte said the games would promote inclusivity and also support businesses, and everybody wins.

“This is a community, and when you are seen supporting the community, the community will support the businesses,” he commented. “We would like to do four games during the month and could negotiate a date with the businesses. It could be any date of the week.”

He is actively seeking both in-kind contributions and financial donations with plans to acknowledge participants during halftime of the festivities. Forte mentioned the details of the game should be finalized by the third week of February, and he intends to host events annually in recognition of National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

For information or to participate in a game, contact Forte at (412) 230-6106 or email sforte@jcbdd.com.


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