

Creek girls start fast, fends off Bellaire

BELLAIRE — The Indian Creek girls basketball team made another successful trip to Belmont County on Thursday.

In their first outing since topping Union Local for the Buckeye 8 Championship on Saturday, the Redskins went on the road to Bellaire and defeated the Big Reds 48-42.

The win was keyed by a fast start as Creek led 21-2 after the opening quarter.

McKenna Scott netted 12 points and Rylee Sadler tallied 11 for Creek, which is now 9-7 on the season and heads south again to Martins Ferry on Monday.

Huskies win again

CADIZ — Harrison Central’s girls basketball team further solidified its spot on top of the OVAC Class 4A standings by making it wins on back-to-back days.

The Huskies this time were victorious at home in convincing fashion, topping visiting rival Buckeye Local 52-19 in Cadiz.

The Huskies, now 12-5, were led by a 19-point, 15-rebound double-double from Lauren Doane, while Maddie Sedgmer tallied 11 points and nine rebounds and Kara Blackburn netted 10 points.

The Panthers got seven from Brooke Driscoll.

Harrison Central hosts Brooke on Saturday.

Edison tops Brooke

RICHMOND — Abigail Boka tallied 14 points, Sophia Henderson 12 and Abby Carpenter 11 to lead Edison to a 64-30 victory over visiting Brooke on Thursday.

The Bruins were led by 12 points from Emily Mclaughlin.

The win improves Edison to 13-4 ahead of hosting St. Clairsville on Monday.


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