
PREP ROUNDUP: Red Riders storm back vs. Linsly to win annual Brooke Classic

WELLSBURG — The Weir High girls basketball team topped Linsly 52-50 in a close battle to win the annual Brooke Classic. 

After the Cadets led 40-20 at halftime, Weir out-scored Linsly 32-10 in the second half to storm back to victory. 

Leading the way for the Red Riders were Rayna Hoover with 18 points and Janai Turner and Maleea Faulks with 13 each. 

Hoover, who also had 25 points in a 60-13 win over host Brooke on Thursday, was named the MVP of the event and was on the all-tournament team along with Turner. 


Crusaders top Tigers 

WELLSVILLE — The Catholic Central boys basketball team opened its season victorious on the road Friday, pulling out a 50-43 win at Wellsville. 

Tommy Pergi led the Crusaders with 15 points, while Benji Rook tallied 14 and Camden Bradley had 11. 


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