
Kara Paolisso, Kenneth Zummach

TACOMA — Kara Elizabeth Paolisso and Kenneth Paul Zummach of Tacoma, Wash., were united in marriage July 30 at Brush Prairie Botanical Gardens in Brush Prairie, Wash.

Officiating the ceremony was Loren Rike Bolich.

He is the son of Kathy Zummach and the late Michael Hobb of Vancouver, Wash. He is the grandson of the late Paul and Audrey Zummach of Pendleton, Ore., and the late Keith and Ellen Hobb of Vancouver, Wash.

She is the daughter of Vince and Wendy (Lengyel) Paolisso of Vancouver, Wash.

She is the granddaughter of the late Larry and Carol Paolisso of Wintersville and the late David and Cheryl Lengyel of Weirton.


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