
Sycamore seeking young actors for play

READY TO DIRECT — Naedia McCann, who previously directed the Sycamore Youth Center’s younger performers, will serve as the director of the Young Adult Theater Group that will perform “Romeo and Juliet.” -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — Those at the Sycamore Youth Center shared their excitement for the upcoming launch of this year’s Young Adult Theater Group.

According to Bobbyjon Bauman, executive director of the nonprofit organization, those at the center will be offering this “unique opportunity to use God-given talents in the performing arts.”

“Our first production will be Shakespeare’s classic play “Romeo and Juliet,” Bauman commented.

The play is being directed by Naedia McCann, who previously directed the younger children at the center. Auditions to be among those in the cast of “Romeo and Juliet” will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday and Jan. 16 at the Sycamore center.

Bauman noted who officials are seeking for the roles in this particular play.

“We are looking for young actors who are eager to step into this opportunity to shine on stage, while being a part of this supportive, Christ-centered environment,” he said.

He offered advice as to how to prepare for the audition, stating, “If you are interested in auditioning, e-mail Naedia so that you can receive the audition packet ahead of time.” McCann’s e-mail address is naedia.mccann2006@gmail.com.

For information, contact McCann by phone at (304) 919-1394 or follow updates on Instagram @the saintgenesiusactorsguild.

“This group is a wonderful opportunity to glorify God by using the arts to inspire, teach and bring people together,” Bauman stated.

“Please pray for this new endeavor and share this opportunity with any young adults who may be interested,” he concluded. “We are eager to see how the Lord will use this production to bless those involved and the community at large.”


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