
First female athlete named to meal

STEUBENVILLE — McDonald’s restaurants and basketball go way back. From classic commercials with hoop legends to more than 40 years of showcasing the nation’s best ballers at the McDonald’s All-American Games, the company said it is all about elevating the game for its fans. McDonald’s will partner with basketball champion, entrepreneur and fashion icon Angel Reese, to offer the Angel Reese special beginning Feb. 10.

The special meal will include a barbecue bacon Quarter Pounder with cheese, featuring a new barbecue sauce, french fries and choice of drink.

“This team-up is all about celebrating greatness — marking McDonald’s first national meal collaboration with a female athlete, and shining a light on the next generation of superstars,” officials commented.

“McDonald’s has always been a big part of my life, from grabbing a McChicken sandwich as a kid, to being named a McDonald’s All-American in 2020,” Reese commented. “It’s really a dream come true to be the first female athlete to have my own meal and be a part of McDonald’s amazing basketball legacy. I hope the Angel Reese special inspires young athletes everywhere to never give up on pursuing their dreams.”

“There’s a real connection between McDonald’s and basketball fans,” stated Jennifer Healan, vice president of marketing, brand, content and culture at McDonald’s. “We want to continue to fuel their love for the game and support athletes on and off the court. We are excited to bring our legacy with basketball culture to a new generation, and partnering with Angel is only the beginning.”

McDonald’s officials said the company “is delivering its A-game all year long, with programs that inspire fans and build upon our bond with the basketball community.”

Meals will be available while supplies last.


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