
Budget planning

I would like to suggest a way today to help you pay utility bills. Planning how to stretch your dollars might not be exciting, but it makes loads of sense.

When I plan how I’m going to spend my money, I eliminate as many unknowns as possible.

Most utilities are willing to help in your planning, too. They will offer you what they call a budget billing plan. These plans aim to smooth out billings during higher-cost months to make bills easier to handle.

If your home has a gas furnace, then you expect higher gas bills in the winter. If your home is air conditioned, then you might expect higher electricity bills in the summer.

And this is where the budget plan works. Utilities are willing to average-out the differences in your bills between high- and low-volume months. Using that average, they bill you one flat, monthly rate all year-long.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know you won’t pay more for gas during an abnormally cold winter? Or you won’t be concerned about a higher electricity bill in the summer?

Instead, you pay the same amount each month. That’s something you can budget on. At the end of your payment year, your utility makes a final adjustment. If you overpaid, they give you a credit. If you have underpaid, then they bill you for the balance you owe.

Meanwhile, you have 12 months knowing exactly what you have to pay for utilities. No more ups and downs, and fluctuating bills.

It has worked out for me. I think it would for you, too. Why not give it a try? Let me encourage you to contact your utilities and see if they have a budget plan. The answer is only a phone call, or email, away.

(Lane is chair of the West Virginia Public Service Commission)


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